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韓國大熱!400次咖啡 食譜

韓國大熱!400次咖啡  400次咖啡最近大熱,細膩的咖啡泡沫,加上冰牛奶,喝起來香甜綿滑,完全就是焦糖拿鐵的味道啊!味道十分少女,造型也很適合打卡,就讓我們一起來做做看吧~ 工具 utensils: 電動打蛋器 Hand held electric egg beater 密篩 Sieve 材料 ingredients: 即溶純咖啡粉(2湯匙) pure instant coffee power (2 tbsp) 細砂糖 (2湯匙) Granulated sugar (2tbsp) 飲用水 (2湯匙) Water (2 tbsp) 冰塊 (適量) Ice cube (as appropriate) 可可粉(1 茶匙) Cocoa powder(1tsp) 步驟 steps: 1. 把所有乾性材料放在小的碗里。 Put all dry ingredients together in a small mixing bowl. 2. 加入水並攪拌至融化。 Add water and stir it until it dissolved.  3.用單頭打蛋器低速打至出現紋路不消失的狀態。 Using electric egg beater whisk until foam stage. 4. 杯子倒入牛奶,加入冰塊,加上咖啡泡沫,撒上可可粉即可享用。 Spoon the coffee foam and put it on top of iced milk. Sprinkle coco powder over the coffee foam. 5. 完成啦!請享用你的拿鐵吧! Done! U can enjoy your cup of latte ❤️ Tips: 1. 選用質量好的材料,特別是咖啡粉和牛奶。 Use good quality ingredients, especially for coffee powder and milk.